Kevin went to his bank to get pre-approved to buy his first home. I find most first-time buyers are well-informed on the process. Kevin was working with a good, experienced realtor, who didn't want to get involved in the mortgage pre-approval process. However, after Kevin put an offer on a home, he couldn't get the financing approved.
Buyers hirer Realtors not only to help them find a house, but also for their professional advice. Although it's not a Realtors job to figure-out the mortgage details for their clients, they should have a list of mortgage professionals that they know and trust whom they can refer their clients to. This is especially true for first time buyers, who are often well-informed but aren't aware of the subtleties of a pre-approval versus a pre-qualification on mortgage.
Kevin in fact was only pre-qualified. At the last minute, the realtor gave me a call and I was able to get a mortgage for Kevin, but it caused Kevin distress. As a first-time buyer I would encourage you to take the advice from your realtor on whom they would recommend for mortgage financing. As a realtor, my advice is to be more pro-active with your clients when it comes to financing.
Very true and nice to see someone say it, sometimes banks are a little too tough and unbending
Thanks for the comment!
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